What’s the big deal about Practicum? What’s it all about? How will it help me and my family? If you’re wondering about Practicum, and trying to decide whether to go, and what you’ll find once you get there, this week’s podcast is for you! Join Lisa as she talks to Krystal Cano about the best reasons to attend Practicum this year; you’ll discover how first-time attenders and seasoned Practicum lovers alike will delight in the layered learning and the sweet community to be found.
Springtime brings flowers, birds, and …eagerness to be DONE with school! Are students in your family having a hard time staying focused? Listen in as Kathy Donegia joins Lisa to talk about how the partnership between student, parent, and community helps us all finish well. Kathy shares how her Challenge IV students find blessings in learning together in community and making memories through family discussions as well.
What’s the big deal about Rhetorical events? How important are they? How can I help my student do something I’ve never done?? If thoughts like this have ever crossed your mind, here is a podcast for you! Join host Lisa Bailey and guest Brittany Lewis for an enlightening look at CC’s Rhetorical events, from science fair to senior thesis. You’ll see just what your students are gaining as they practice the skills they’ve honed for years, and how those skills are lived out within a community of friends.
Community days are ending for the year….but that doesn’t mean the learning is done! Join veteran homeschool mom Denise McLain for some tips on how to keep the family learning together! Denise and Lisa share some ideas for learning some new things, practicing some “old” skills, and taking our families into the community as we learn to love our neighbors well.