Marc Hays and Timothy Knotts discuss homeschooling from a dad’s perspective about why is music important, how they incorporate music in their homes, and how the unified diversity of music itself provides for the differences between family practices and children’s gifts and desires. Timothy currently serves as the president of The Education Association of Christian Homeschoolers in Connecticut and as an area representative for Classical Conversations.
Marc Hays and Timothy Knotts discuss homeschooling from a dad’s perspective and continue the conversation about activities we enjoy with our children where no books are involved whether inside, outside, near our homes or far away. Timothy currently serves as the president of The Education Association of Christian Homeschoolers in Connecticut and as an area representative for Classical Conversations.
Marc Hays and Timothy Knotts discuss homeschooling from a dad’s perspective and begin the conversation about books we are reading aloud, have read aloud, and want to read aloud with our children. Timothy currently serves as the president of The Education Association of Christian Homeschoolers in Connecticut and as an area representative for Classical Conversations.
Good news ALERT! A welcome addition to the Copper Lodge Series is hot off the press, ready to delight readers everywhere. Join host Lisa Bailey as she interviews Jennifer Courtney, compiler of our newest story collection, New World Echoes! Discover why these tales stand the test of time and why they resonate with us today as much as they did with the settlers of the “New World.”