Why did God give your children to you? What does He want you to tell them? Show them? Do alongside them? At Classical Conversations, we believe God trusts parents with their children! Charity Brown and her husband believe they’ve been called primarily to shepherd the hearts of their children toward God. Listen to hear just what things look like in their home…
What are your most memorable homeschooling moments? What do you want your children to remember about your home and the learning you do together? Join Lisa today as she talks to Chelly Barnard about the best ways to cultivate the memories we want to keep! Chelly provides an honest look back at what worked, what didn’t, and what she finally decided were the most important memories to make.
What’s “Protocol” all about? Is it just about good manners and fancy outings? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Listen as guest Sarah Davis breaks it down for us, sharing how Protocol is actually about honor, mercy, grace, and loving your neighbor. “It’s not about ‘putting on airs’, but about elevating the people you’re with!”
What do you wish you knew about Challenge B? About Challenge B students? About Mock Trial? This week’s guest offers a wealth of insight from a lifetime of experience! Join host Lisa Bailey as she talks to Stephanie Meter about how Mock Trial is actually the perfect capstone to the Challenge B year, synthesizing the skills of Challenge B in a way that transforms the students.
Have you ever asked yourself this question: “Why should I consider homeschooling?” The purpose we assign to education will often answer the question for us! But…are we practicing what we preach? How can we practically align our purposes with our daily routines, our lesson plans, even our assessments? Listen in as guest Julie Melendez and host Lisa Bailey offer honest testimony to what this can and does look like at home.
If you’re intrigued by the bits and pieces you’ve recently heard about Scribblers At Home: Recipes from Lifelong Learners, you will definitely want to listen to this episode! Amy Jones joins Lisa as they share how Scribblers sets families up to delight in learning together. All of us “want to do it right” when it comes to educating our kids; Scribblers gives us ideas and encouragement to create natural and winsome ways to learn together at home.
Do you know someone who is considering joining a Classical Conversations community? This episode of the Everyday Educator will answer so many “why” and “what” questions for potential families! Denise Moore shares the real reasons families get involved, and what the real benefits are to those who invest in a CC journey. Beyond that, Denise’s honest reflections remind us ALL of why we want to be involved, and how we are parents are benefiting!
If you’re looking for a quick overview of the CC Challenge program, or if you’ve ever wondered which challenge is the BEST, this episode of the Everyday Educator has the information you’re looking for! Listen as Tim Knotts, Heatherly Sylvia, and Karin Carpenter advocate for their favorite Challenge, giving us all insights into the fun parts, the stretching parts, and the family blessing of each of our Challenge levels.
Have you ever thought, “What’s the big deal about memorizing anyway?” This episode of the Everyday Educator Podcast will shed some light on this question! Listen in as Kelli Wilt and Olivia Walsh share how memory is something to be celebrated by all of us; they’ll also give us the details of what a Memory Master is, what a NATIONAL Memory Master is, and what blessings families can find from pursuing each! Bonus: hot-off-the-press details on how to get involved in the 2023 National Memory Master Competition!
Here in the winter months, after the fun of the holidays, the homeschool days can seem looooong. It is easy to forget that we are not alone on this journey! We all have a CC story to share, and hearing about someone else’s journey feeds our community mindset. Listen in this week as international homeschoolers (and Country Coordinators) Koreen Mazurek and Dawna Ferguson share how running toward something instead of away from something makes homeschooling a richer experience—wherever you are!
New Years, for most of us, means new beginnings. Whether it's a new goal or recommitment to a habit we're already cultivating, New Years acts as a marker for us to turn over a new leaf. This week Lisa is joined by Kelli Wilt to discuss what it means to "raise adults," and explore what it looks like beginning with the end in mind.
Please enjoy this special holiday re-run of one of our most downloaded episodes.
One of the more profound lessons “from down the road” may well be that there is more to homeschooling than academic pursuits. Join veteran homeschool moms Shelly Stockton and Lisa Bailey as they discuss building character, spiritual habits, relational maturity, and practical life skills while living and learning at home with their girls. Discover how a classical education lived out in community (both home and CC) provides the environment for learning the biggest lessons of life.
In this final Advent episode, join Lisa as she considers how God spoke all the love languages as He become Emmanuel. Consider with your family how God incarnate has come to you—and how you might live Him before your neighbors this Christmas!
In this third Advent devotional, host Lisa Bailey encourages us to consider that joy is a choice. What allows us to choose joy when life’s circumstances dictate otherwise? How can we express joy amid burdens? Mary had the answer; listen in and be blessed. This would be a great family listen…
Join Lisa for this second Advent episode, calling us to embrace the Peace of Christmas. Take a break (even with your family) to think about how becoming an ambassador of peace fulfills our mission to know God and to make Him known!
Join us all month for this series of Advent thoughts, perfect for provoking thoughts that turn our Christmas preparations to Jesus. In this first episode, discover an interesting connection between forest fires, birds, and the hope of Christmas.
Families, if you’re looking for a way to pass the time “on the way to Grandmother’s house” this year, give a listen to this Thanksgiving episode of The Everyday Educator! You’ll enjoy poems, Scripture, a few jokes, and the audio version of an oldie but goodie: “The Truth About Thanksgiving”. It’s our family’s gift to yours!
Is assessing ever a blessing?? According to guest Kelli Wilt, that depends on your perspective! Join host Lisa Bailey as Kelli shares how Blue Book exams can be a celebration of what we know, and an opportunity to indulge in some deep conversations. Parents, you’ll hear some helpful tips for preparing for Blue Books all semester long; directors, Kelli gives some great practical ideas for making Blue Books fun!
Join host Lisa Bailey this week and discover how the seeds of classical Christian education are blooming all over the world! Guests Koreen Mazurek and Dawna Ferguson share how families in Chile and Canada are “knowing God and making Him known” through their participation in CC programs in their homelands. Their powerful testimonies will bless you; their prayer requests will inspire you. We are drawn together by our mission and our method; just listen!
What comes to mind when you ponder “family learning?” Most of us wonder what we should be learning and how to make learning all together doable. Maybe the most important question, though, is why is learning together so pivotal? On this episode of the Everyday Educator Podcast, Tim Knotts helps us answer all the questions, and it begins with ….conversations! Listen in and find out how the 5 Canons of Rhetoric really do help you have the conversations that make learning family-style a joy and a blessing.
What can our family learn together? How do we bring everyone into the conversation? Can we stay connected as the children study different things? Family learning sounds great…but sometimes feels hard! On this episode of The Everyday Educator, Lisa talks with Andrew and Laura Brafford about how their family is using the 5 Common Topics as conversation guides for some deeply satisfying family learning experiences!
Building an atmosphere of learning sounds great, but how do you do it? What makes it easier for a family to learn together, especially if the kids are different ages? Everyday Educator has some answers for you! Listen in as Olivia Walsh and Lisa Bailey offer some simple steps and easy ideas for learning all together, using the 5 Core Habits you’ve heard so much about!
Are you looking for ways to extend your family learning? Want some practical ways to integrate what all your students are studying? Listen in as Lisa talks this week to Angela Oxford (mom, Challenge director, Training and Support leader) ; you’ll hear simple yet effective ways to write your family’s learning story, making learning a team effort. Find out how projects such as the Science Fair can bring your family together, keeping hearts and minds connected
Building a family learning culture is one of the most satisfying aspects of homeschooling. When your family learns together, you are making memories, and binding your hearts together! On this episode of the Everyday Educator, Lisa talks with Jennifer Courtney about habits we can cultivate early on that will help us build that family learning culture. Listen as these homeschool veterans share specific ways everyone in your family can participate in conversations about what you’re all learning. BONUS: learn how to use the new Scribblers At Home material (now in Limited Digital Release on CC Connected) as a catalyst for learning as a family.
What do you love about your CC community? What blessings have you discovered? Join host Lisa Bailey and Foundations/Essentials director Kim Lawson as they share the impact that community makes on learning and on growing in Christ. Get some ideas for Open House season, and some reminders of why we share what we love with others.