As you begin the new academic year, do you feel like one smart mama? Join Lisa Bailey this week as she picks the brains of two smart mamas: Delise Germond and Ginny Tran. Discover what smart mamas know, and where they look for support.
Are you excited about reading? About reading with your family? About reading Challenge A literature? Well, you will be after you listen to this episode of the Everyday Educator Podcast! Find out what distinguishes a good book from the other kind, as well the reasons behind the Challenge A literature choices.
Why is Essentials so important? Listen in as Lanelle Lowe and Lisa Bailey discuss how the program is both a foundation and a bridge. Discover what you’ll study, what materials you need to get started, and how to make it enjoyable as you go.
Bonus: These veterans will reveal how Essentials will become the gift that keeps on giving!
Are you ready for Foundations? Join this week’s Everyday Educator and discover how a spirit of rest will make this fall a wonder-full new season with your children. Tune in to discover the logistical details that will ensure a happy start to your community days; stay as Kelli Wilt helps us recognize the habits that will get us all off on the right foot.
Parents, are YOU ready for the Challenge program this fall? Find out how to best prepare for a successful fall with your student in the Challenge years by listening in as Chelly Barnard shares with Lisa Bailey encouraging words and practical tips. Your student will thank you, and you will find confidence and rest in a season of family learning.
Are your thoughts turning to the fall semester already? Are you and your student getting ready for Challenge, and do you wonder how best to prepare? Join veterans of the CC Challenge program Emma Oxford and Anthony Clendenin on this week’s Everyday Educator podcast. Discover how students can prepare for Challenge success by hearing what students need to know, need to do, and need to gather for the coming year.
Does studying logic sound like fun? It will after you listen to this episode of the Everyday Educator Podcast! Guest Kathy Gibbens shows us why studying logic is so important today, and gives us great ideas for promoting clear thinking with our families.
In this last episode of our Summer Book Club on The Peacemaker, join Lisa Bailey, Leslie Hubbard, and Tim Knott as they ponder the ultimate goal of peacemaking: demonstrating the forgiveness of God and encouraging a reasonable solution to conflict. Discussion surrounds forgiveness, cooperative negotiation, and the divine weapons of peacemaking.
In this 4th installment of our Summer Book Club on The Peacemaker, join Lisa Bailey, Kelli Wilt, and Heatherly Sylvia as they discover practical ways to restore peace gently, using words wisely and well. Bonus: find some of our favorite tools of learning (spoiler alert: The Five Core Habits of Grammar) used to speak the truth in love.
In this installment of our EE Summer Book Club on The Peacemaker, join Leslie Hubbard, Stephanie Meter and host Lisa Bailey as they ponder the roles of confession and restoration in peacemaking. Listen for some common ways we are apt to sin when we’re in conflict with one another and receive practical suggestions for confessing. You’ll also be encouraged and equipped to become an instrument of peace in your communities by pursuing restoration instead of just confrontation.
In this second episode of the Summer Book Club series on The Peacemaker, Lisa Bailey, Kristi Dye, and Kelli Wilt share some transparent testimony about their own parts in conflicts within families and communities. Join these ladies as they discuss chapters 4 and 5, exploring how “getting the log out of our own eyes” first makes dealing with conflict a stewardship of God’s peace.
Are you a peace faker? Peace breaker? Peacemaker? In a world full of turmoil and conflict on every hand, we are called by God to be peacemakers. How can we become people who view conflicts as opportunities, not accidents? The Peacemaker, by Ken Sande offers us some keen insights on these questions. This summer, join the EE Book Club as we read and discuss this book, wrestling with the big ideas and discussing how we can be stewards of peace. This week, Stephanie Meter and Heatherly Sylvia join Lisa as we kick off this new series.
What’s the big deal about Practicum? Find out this week on the Everyday Educator Podcast as host Lisa Bailey and guest Jill Philbrick explore what Practicum is, who should come, what attendees should expect, and how to get the most out of Practicum. You’ll be inspired, encouraged, and equipped—just by listening!
How can we celebrate fathers this season? By recognizing that dads are Lead Learners, too! If you are wondering how to make that true in your home, listen in as Tim Knotts gives some pointers and shares some wisdom from his own journey as a homeschool dad. You’ll glean practical ideas on how to learn alongside your children at every age, and find encouragement for “team teaching” with your spouse!
What in the world is a “Scribbler”? And, why is Scribblers curriculum a very good place to start as you begin a homeschool journey? Listen in as Lisa Bailey and Amy Jones introduce this brand new resource; you’ll be encouraged to think about what truly provides a firm foundation for your children’s education: presence, play, and permission to grow and explore together!
Join Shelly Stockton and special guests Debra Switzer, Jenn Martin, and Barby Hobcroft for part five of the series Twenty-five Reasons to Homeschool Classically. Listen in on this final episode as these homeschool veterans discuss the hard work of homeschooling, subject integration, and falling in love with learning.
Families who are considering Challenge programs for the first time or for another year, I have a game-changer for you! On this episode of the Everyday Educator Podcast, veteran Challenge director Heatherly Sylvia offers us her “7 things parents need to know/do” to make the most of the challenge years. Guys, this is what you REALLY need to know! Listen and glean insight into what the Challenge program is designed to be: a blessing for students, families, and communities.
Families, are you up for a Challenge? Many parents and students wrestle with the idea of homeschooling through high school, wondering if they are up to it, wondering if it is a good fit for their family, wondering if the Challenge years really prepare students for the world to come. Join Lisa Bailey and Heatherly Sylvia for a rousing discussion of CC’s Challenge program; these seasoned moms and Challenge tutors offer a view of Challenge that will truly expand your understanding!
What in the world is “Protocol”? Is it really worth all the time and money? In this episode of the Everyday Educator Podcast, guest Sonya Lindsey invites us to see Protocol as a way to love our neighbor well—whoever he might be, and wherever we might encounter him. Seeing Protocol events as more than good manners prepares families for the true benefit: being prepared to serve God, no matter where we are. Tune in for details on what, when and how; stay for so much more!
How does your family celebrate the Holy season of Easter? Are you looking for some fresh ways to approach the reality of Easter with your children? Listen in as host Lisa Bailey and her husband, David, talk about connecting with the heart of the Father as you and your family find ways to share the hope of Easter with your community.
Join Shelly Stockton and guests as they discuss 5 more benefits of classical education. Shelly interviews four International homeschooling moms and leaders from Brazil, Canada, United Kingdom and Chile as they reflect on the role of character, the power of questions, and the value of consistent relationships in home-education.
Join Shelly Stockton as she talks with International CC moms to reflect on the relationships between classical education and virtue, parents as educators, and foundational knowledge.