Join Shelly Stockton as she talks with International CC moms to reflect on the relationships between classical education and virtue, parents as educators, and foundational knowledge.
What’s so great about “outside”? Listen in as Lisa Bailey and Amy Jones answer that question, offering lots of practical suggestions for celebrating God’s creation as we learn together. It’s not complicated! Discover how to enjoy time outside with the whole family, no matter the season, no matter the weather, no matter the neighborhood. So. Many. Ideas!!
For many homeschooling families, testing is at best a “necessary evil”; but, what if we thought of it as a tool of diagnostic assessment, a means of determining how to proceed next? What if testing gave us more to talk about, presented us with encouragement to try things a different way, or provided us with insights about skills that need more practice? Join Alec Bianco and Kimberly Farley of Classic Learning Testing as they share the best reasons to test and acquaint us with some testing options that will resonate with classical, Christian homeschoolers. Special discount code for CLT tests offered!
What’s the big deal about National Memory Master? Why might someone want to participate? What will our family gain from participation? How do we even get started?? Answers to these and all your other questions are uncovered on this episode of the Everyday Educator podcast. Guests Olivia Walsh and Kelli Wilt give listeners all the intel on this “next level Memory Master” quest, and help families see this commemoration of Foundations as a commencing of the Challenge years.
If you are looking for ways to bring life to your family devotions, have we got a podcast for you! Join Lisa Bailey and guest Kelli Wilt as they talk about how to use the Five Core Habits to re-energize your devotion time while exploring God’s word and building deeper relationships with your children. Kelli offers some great examples for us as we seek to Know God, and Lisa encourages families to take our devotion into the community, leading others to Make Him Known.
Here comes January; are you ready?? Homeschooling in the wintertime can be a challenge, especially after the busy fun of the holidays. What’s a parent to do when no one seems motivated to “work the plan” anymore? Join Lisa Bailey as she offers a new idea from a surprising source!
Join Shelly Stockton and special guests, Chelly Barnard, Kathy Donegia, and Rebecca Seo in a new series Twenty-five Reasons to Homeschool Classically. Listen in on Part 1 as these homeschool veterans discuss general principles, best practices, and lessons learned during their homeschool journeys.
Why read aloud with your family, especially if your children are older? Listen in this week as Heatherly Sylvia shares three solid benefits of reading aloud as a family, and offers some tips for what makes a book or story a great read aloud choice. As an Advent choice, you can hardly miss with The Best Christmas Pageant Ever; if you’ve never read it, or if it’s been a long time, you’ll want to pick up a copy to share with your family this season. You’ll be blessed as you listen to Heatherly’s insights, and moved to experience the Christmas story like someone who is hearing it for the first time.
Sometimes, the best homeschool memories revolve around reading aloud as a family! Christmas is the perfect time to begin this habit, or continue it, at your house. Join host Lisa Bailey on this episode of the Everyday Educator podcast as she and Jennifer Courtney share stories of the blessings of reading aloud. Jennifer offers some of her family read aloud favorites, and reminds us to check out the stories in CC’s very own Echoes books when looking for the next great family read.
Does you enjoy reading aloud as a family? Do you wish you did?? Well, Christmas time offers the perfect opportunity to try something new, and perhaps begin a new tradition. Today’s Everyday Educator guests are the perfect advocates for reading aloud as a family, and they have some rich Christmas experiences to share with us all. Join host Lisa Bailey and guests Whit and Amy Jones as they explore ways to start reading stories as a family this Christmas.
For many families, Advent is full of traditions and memory-making opportunities; some of my favorite Christmas times involve reading aloud as a family. Reading aloud allows us to build family culture, to get to know the same characters, and to develop “inside jokes” and literary references that draw us together. Reading aloud is also just plain fun! This year’s Everyday Educator Advent series introduces listeners to some new friends from all across the country; listen this week as the Knotts from Connecticut share what they love to read together, and why reading as a family is so powerful. Your family may find a new read aloud to share tonight!
Excellence in our homeschooling is a worthy goal, but is that different from “mastery”? Can mastery actually be a limiting goal?? On this episode of the Everyday Educator, Lisa Bailey talks to Marc Hays, veteran homeschool dad, about what we gain when we pursue mastery and what we might miss. Perhaps what we need is a different definition of “mastery”…
What will your children remember about homeschooling in twenty years? The math problem sets? The Latin translations? The timeline?! We think not. Join Amanda Butler as she shares with host Lisa Bailey what she has learned about the really memorable moments of the homeschool journey. Discover ways to seek a spirit of joy in your home, and uncover the beauty of your child’s soul.
Do you sometimes feel that you have so much to cover as a home educator that you can’t afford to repeat anything? Join Lisa Bailey and her guest, Lanelle Lowe, as they talk about this common myth and how a thorough understanding of the classical model can reveal the value of repetition. We believe you’ll end up relishing the repeating for practical as well as relational reasons.
Have you ever bought into a myth because “everybody says so”? Lots of misguided folks believe that classical education is just for smart kids; or even that classical education makes kids smart. Join Lisa and her guest Chelly Barnard as they bust that myth wide open! Chelly will help you remember to consider both the purpose of education and the mission of CC; and you’ll discover the tools that might make you “smart” but will lead you and yours to realize the potential the Lord intended you to fulfill all along.
In this new Everyday Educator podcast series, host Lisa Bailey and her guests will do their best to bust some of the most prevalent homeschooling myths—and answer the question “Why do we believe these myths, anyway?” In this episode, Jennifer Courtney helps to dispel the myth that homeschool success rests on finding the right curriculum—and sticking with it. Tune in as these veteran educators discuss what curriculum can and cannot do for you, and stick around to hear Jennifer’s two “best myth buster weapons”!
Are you treating your homeschool journey like a sprint or a marathon? Many of us begin with the enthusiasm of sprinters, and discover that the sprint pace cannot be maintained for the life of our journey! Listen in this week as homeschool veteran Kelli Wilt shares her story and some true wisdom from down the road. You’ll learn to pause, reflect, reassess, recalibrate—and rejoice!
Are you ready, willing, and able to become the Lead Learner in your home? Maybe you are ready, but you’ve bought into a lie that says you’re not able. Maybe you’re willing, but you don’t know how to start. This week’s episode of the Everyday Educator Podcast features Lanelle Lowe, sharing the truth that God is out to redeem what’s been lost or broken in your educational experience! You’ll find encouragement to learn alongside your child, and practical skills that will equip you to unlock the door to confident lead learning.
Is your homeschool for training minds or training hearts? Why would we start with the heart when beginning the homeschool journey? This week, listen as guest Amy Jones and host Lisa Bailey share the conviction that education is for training the mind and heart, in order to think higher thoughts. Glean some practical ideas for cultivating a sweet spirit in your home, and for discerning some spiritual goals for your family.
One of the more profound lessons “from down the road” may well be that there is more to homeschooling than academic pursuits. Join veteran homeschool moms Shelly Stockton and Lisa Bailey as they discuss building character, spiritual habits, relational maturity, and practical life skills while living and learning at home with their girls. Discover how a classical education lived out in community (both home and CC) provides the environment for learning the biggest lessons of life.