In this installment of our EE Summer Book Club on The Peacemaker, join Leslie Hubbard, Stephanie Meter and host Lisa Bailey as they ponder the roles of confession and restoration in peacemaking. Listen for some common ways we are apt to sin when we’re in conflict with one another and receive practical suggestions for confessing. You’ll also be encouraged and equipped to become an instrument of peace in your communities by pursuing restoration instead of just confrontation.
In this second episode of the Summer Book Club series on The Peacemaker, Lisa Bailey, Kristi Dye, and Kelli Wilt share some transparent testimony about their own parts in conflicts within families and communities. Join these ladies as they discuss chapters 4 and 5, exploring how “getting the log out of our own eyes” first makes dealing with conflict a stewardship of God’s peace.
Are you a peace faker? Peace breaker? Peacemaker? In a world full of turmoil and conflict on every hand, we are called by God to be peacemakers. How can we become people who view conflicts as opportunities, not accidents? The Peacemaker, by Ken Sande offers us some keen insights on these questions. This summer, join the EE Book Club as we read and discuss this book, wrestling with the big ideas and discussing how we can be stewards of peace. This week, Stephanie Meter and Heatherly Sylvia join Lisa as we kick off this new series.
What’s the big deal about Practicum? Find out this week on the Everyday Educator Podcast as host Lisa Bailey and guest Jill Philbrick explore what Practicum is, who should come, what attendees should expect, and how to get the most out of Practicum. You’ll be inspired, encouraged, and equipped—just by listening!
How can we celebrate fathers this season? By recognizing that dads are Lead Learners, too! If you are wondering how to make that true in your home, listen in as Tim Knotts gives some pointers and shares some wisdom from his own journey as a homeschool dad. You’ll glean practical ideas on how to learn alongside your children at every age, and find encouragement for “team teaching” with your spouse!