What do you love about your CC community? What blessings have you discovered? Join host Lisa Bailey and Foundations/Essentials director Kim Lawson as they share the impact that community makes on learning and on growing in Christ. Get some ideas for Open House season, and some reminders of why we share what we love with others.
At Classical Conversations we’re always looking for ways to know God; is your community looking for a way “to make Him known”? Join Lisa Bailey and guest Julie Melendez as they share how Excellence in Education events provide just such an opportunity. Julie offers great ideas you can replicate, as well as inspiration on how these events have already impacted local communities, and helped our students practice the skills we’re eager to pass on.
As the reality of a new homeschool year settles in, parents everywhere are thinking about how to get it all done with all the people they have to shepherd. Looking for some words of wisdom here? Listen as guest Kamilah Carter, veteran mom of 5 CCers from Foundations to Challenge III, shares practical suggestions and wise insights. A delightfully real mom, Kamilah just might reframe your thinking about schedules!
Looking for ways to make getting out the door for community day less stressful? Join host Lisa Bailey and guest Lia Gerkin for practical ideas for arriving at community with all your resources and brain cells intact. Hear how one mom of 6 is training her kids to develop habits of responsibility and service. How will God equip you to have a great year this year?