Do you know someone who is considering joining a Classical Conversations community? This episode of the Everyday Educator will answer so many “why” and “what” questions for potential families! Denise Moore shares the real reasons families get involved, and what the real benefits are to those who invest in a CC journey. Beyond that, Denise’s honest reflections remind us ALL of why we want to be involved, and how we are parents are benefiting!
If you’re looking for a quick overview of the CC Challenge program, or if you’ve ever wondered which challenge is the BEST, this episode of the Everyday Educator has the information you’re looking for! Listen as Tim Knotts, Heatherly Sylvia, and Karin Carpenter advocate for their favorite Challenge, giving us all insights into the fun parts, the stretching parts, and the family blessing of each of our Challenge levels.
Have you ever thought, “What’s the big deal about memorizing anyway?” This episode of the Everyday Educator Podcast will shed some light on this question! Listen in as Kelli Wilt and Olivia Walsh share how memory is something to be celebrated by all of us; they’ll also give us the details of what a Memory Master is, what a NATIONAL Memory Master is, and what blessings families can find from pursuing each! Bonus: hot-off-the-press details on how to get involved in the 2023 National Memory Master Competition!
Here in the winter months, after the fun of the holidays, the homeschool days can seem looooong. It is easy to forget that we are not alone on this journey! We all have a CC story to share, and hearing about someone else’s journey feeds our community mindset. Listen in this week as international homeschoolers (and Country Coordinators) Koreen Mazurek and Dawna Ferguson share how running toward something instead of away from something makes homeschooling a richer experience—wherever you are!
New Years, for most of us, means new beginnings. Whether it's a new goal or recommitment to a habit we're already cultivating, New Years acts as a marker for us to turn over a new leaf. This week Lisa is joined by Kelli Wilt to discuss what it means to "raise adults," and explore what it looks like beginning with the end in mind.